Friday 2 December 2022

5 Secret About Weight Loss

There is so much information about losing weight on the internet and in magazines that you eventually no longer know what is good or not. 

As a result, there is a good chance that you will end up in a pitfall due to incorrect information and eventually get further away from your result. In this article I discuss the most important weight loss s so that you can go back in the right direction.

 Avoid fat

Error! For years we have been led to believe that fat is bad, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, you need to eat enough fats for your body to function optimally and burn body fat.

Here are 5 reasons why fat is 

1.Fat makes you feel full

Fat is important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as Vit. A, D, E and K, which are important for good health.

In contrast to fast sugars, fat has almost no effect on blood sugar levels, so that insulin production remains limited. This is good since insulin is the fat storage hormone.

Fat is essential for the production of hormones

Make sure you get enough healthy fats through your diet, such as from oily fish, nuts, olive oil, avocado, coconut oil…

2: Do cardio training to lose weight fast

You may recognize it, you enter a fitness club, and you explain that you would like to lose 10 kg and a flat stomach, and then you get a training schedule that consists of 20 minutes (or longer) on the bike, then 20 minutes on the elliptical trainer, the same time on the step machine, and if all goes well at the end a few more abdominal exercises and after about an hour and a half you're done, hoping to have completed a good workout that will give you quick and efficient results. Unfortunately, this is a common mistake that causes people to train in the wrong way, see no results and then stop after a few weeks. And this advice is unfortunately still given in many fitness centers to people who want to lose weight, but this does not work! You're just wasting your time with it.

So what does work?

A strength training in which you train all important large muscle groups, so that your body produces the right hormones for optimal fat burning. Focus on exercises such as squat, deadlift, bench press, pulldown/pull up, row variations,…

You can supplement this strength training with high-intensity interval training or Kettlebell training for extra fat burning. The Milon Circle training is also based on these principles and is ideal for those who want quick results, but have little time.

3: Light products make you slim

Don't be fooled by light products in the hope of losing weight. At first glance, these products seem to be healthy because they contain less fat or calories, but instead these products contain more sugar, sweeteners, trans fatty acids and other additives, which makes them unhealthy for you. For example, on the packaging “0% fat” or “x % less calories”,… But if you know that fats are good and that sugars and sweeteners are the problem, then you realize that you have been cheated. In addition, the number of calories of food says nothing about the quality, but the composition does. So be sure to read the labels too!

 4: The more I exercise, the more results

More isn't always better, and that's certainly true when it comes to sports and training. How you train is much more important than how much you train. The same goes for how long your workout lasts. A 2-hour training is no better than a 1-hour training, on the contrary, for an optimal slimming result, your training should be short and intensive, i.e. in 30-40 minutes you give everything and you train with 100% commitment. After training, you should not feel that you could continue any longer. From 1 hour and longer, the stress hormone cortisol starts to rise, which actually reduces the effect of your training, and you will also recover less well afterwards. Train minimum 2x and maximum 4x per week between 20 and 40 minutes, and no more than 2 days in a row, for optimal results.

5: I need to eat less to lose weight faster

Hold on… eat more to lose weight faster! Many people who want to lose weight suddenly start eating less. It is not so much how much you eat, but WHAT you eat that is decisive for efficient weight loss. If you now follow the traditional Western diet consisting of 3 meals of which the composition is not too high-quality, and then you eat even less, your body will receive far too few nutrients, which will slow down your metabolism. For good fat burning it is important to eat enough of the right food. Don't count calories, don't count points, don't weigh anything, but eat until you're satiated, and then you won't feel constantly hungry like you do.

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