Saturday, 28 October 2023

Treadmill Training In The Gym-7 Important Tips & Training Plan

For many runners, training on the treadmill is a welcome alternative to training in the fresh air during the cold season. Treadmill training can also be an effective complement to outdoor running. The treadmill offers much more than you might imagine at first glance.

Even professional runners use this training option to make training more varied and to add new training stimuli. Treadmill training is different from off-road running in some ways. To make the most of the benefits of treadmill training, you should consider the following points:

7 Important Tips

1.Simulate The Lack Of Air Resistance 

When running under the roof, there is of course no air resistance, which is why treadmill training “feels” easier. So that the running performance outside and inside is roughly comparable, the incline of the treadmill should be set to an incline angle of 1 to 2%. This gives you similar conditions to running on flat terrain.

2.Start Calmly

As a beginner, you should start training on the treadmill at a moderate pace. In this way, the body gets used to running in an enclosed space. Training should begin with an easy and controlled endurance run. The unfamiliar or rolling surface and the lack of cool air resistance are factors that the body first has to take into account during the running movement, and that takes time. After the habituation phase, you can increase the speed and intensity accordingly.

3.Pay Attention To The Correct Body Tension.

Poor running posture is the most common problem faced by treadmill runners. When running on the treadmill, you often tend to look at the display more often to check your pace, speed or heart rate. You also often look down at the tips of your feet to check whether your foot is placed in the correct place on the treadmill. All of this ruins your running posture and can sometimes lead to tension in the shoulder or neck muscles. Important: Always look ahead, as you would do during “normal” running. This head position maintains nalternati tension and reduces possible tension.

4.Cooling Is Important.

When training on a treadmill, the body heats up more than when running outside because it lacks the cooling effect of wind and fresh air. You sweat more, your body uses more energy to provide the necessary cooling, which in turn means your heart rate increases. Adequate fluid intake is extremely important in this context - you should drink between 500 to 700 ml of water in small quantities per hour of treadmill training. Drinking while running also needs to be practiced (good for a running competition), treadmill training provides a good opportunity for this.

5.Control Your Running Pace.

The stride on the treadmill is different than when running off-road. The changed conditions when running on a treadmill, such as the uniform cushioning or the rolling away of the surface, play a decisive role. You usually run with smaller steps, which means your perception of speed is changed. The motor skills involved in running on the treadmill make it difficult to estimate your running pace. Essentially, a slower speed feels much faster. It is advisable to listen to how your body feels when running on the treadmill and try to maintain a normal stride length. The tempo should be regularly compared with the display.

6.Train Variedly.

Training on the treadmill can often become boring and monotonous. There is no headwind, there are no hills or mountains and the surface is always the same. There is usually no visual distraction. Longer endurance runs at the same pace can seem tedious. That's why you should plan special interval training and hill runs into your running training as a change.

7.Use Light Running Shoes.

The surface of a treadmill is well cushioned and always moves under the runner. This radically changes the movement motor skills - the rolling and pushing behavior of the foot is completely different on the treadmill. You no longer need to use as much force to move forward as you would outdoors. The question here is, what kind of running shoe should you use for treadmill training? In any case, you don't need heavy, well-cushioned and heavily profiled running shoes. Light, flat running shoes should be used for regular indoor running training. This will enable a dynamic and fast running style with a powerful push. The treadmill alone provides the necessary cushioning.

Training On The Treadmill

  • Training on the treadmill, like a regular off-road workout, is divided into three phases: warm-up, the main part and cool-down.
  • The warm-up (warm-up). Duration 10 minutes, increase the running pace slowly and continuously in the first 5 minutes until you have reached your own running pace. Keep this pace for another 5 minutes.For example, this could be a 25-minute run that includes 5x2 minute intervals (90% of maximum running speed). Between interval runs there is a three-minute, easy jog for active recovery.
  • Cool down. Duration 10 minutes. Maintain the usual pace for the first 5 minutes and then gradually reduce the pace for the next 5 minutes until you can easily slow down. This allows the pulse to approach its resting value.

8-Week Training Plan for Treadmill Training 


Duration: 3 x 16 minutes - 2 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking alternating


Duration: 3x 15 minutes - 3 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking alternating


Duration: 3 x 16 minutes - 3 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking alternating


Duration: 3 x 20 minutes - 3 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking alternating


Duration: 3 x 20 minutes - 4 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking alternating

Duration: 3 x 24 minutes - 5 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking alternating


Duration: 3 x 24 minutes - 7 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking alternating


Duration: 3 x 27 minutes - 8 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking alternating

More Tips:

  • Train 3 times a week. A day of training is always followed by a day of rest for regeneration.
  • During training, alternate between running (65-75% of maximum heart rate, around 7 to 9km/h) and walking (50-60% of maximum heart rate, around 4-6km/h).
  • Either use the manual program or complete the individual user program according to the specifications of the training plan.

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