Tuesday 12 December 2023

Get Rid Of Love Handles – Exercises And Tip

Fighting love handles is not an easy task. After the winter, many people's unpopular “life preservers” come to light. Many people try to fight it, but only a few can win the fight. The reason lies in the incorrect selection of the optimal exercises against love handles and the wrong diet. Without the right and targeted selection of exercises and without changing your diet, you have little chance of getting rid of those annoying fat deposits on your hips.

In reality, you should primarily activate the hip regions during training in order to reduce love handles. However, caution is advised when selecting the exercises and the workout itself, which particularly affects overweight people. In people who are overweight, some exercises can cause damage to the joints, so it is advisable to start with water aerobics in difficult cases.Movements are much easier to manage in the water. When it comes to your diet, you should avoid unnecessary snacks and not consume carbohydrates in the evening. Instead, protein-rich foods and lots of vegetables are recommended. Physical activities should consist of both endurance and muscle training.

Boost Fat Burning

In order for the fat to melt away, it is very important what the energy balance looks like. A negative energy balance is the decisive factor in the fight against love handles. In plain language it means that the energy consumption must be greater than the energy supply. When it comes to so-called fat burning training, until recently it was believed that only low-intensity and long-duration training delivers the best results in terms of fat burning.

But that is only half true. Because of the low energy expenditure during such training, the absolute amount of fat burned will also be quite low. During more intensive workouts, fats contribute less to energy production, in percentage terms. What is primarily needed here is glucose (carbohydrates), which is the number one source of energy during intensive training sessions. However, with more intense stress, energy expenditure also increases! This means that more fat is burned than during “slower” training sessions. This is crucial for fat and weight reduction.

Change Your Diet To Combat Love Handles

Be careful with the miracle cures for love handles. What this primarily means is a significant reduction in calorie intake per day. Cures that provide the body with fewer than 1,000 calories per day have recently been in vogue. If this happens, the body switches its metabolism to economy mode and slows it down.

The consequences are anything but what you had hoped for: your basal metabolic rate is reduced and you don't notice anything in terms of weight. But things can get even worse. In addition to the well-known yo-yo effect, deficiency symptoms can even occur, which could immediately endanger your health. You just have to turn the tables and increase your basal metabolic rate. The body should be permanently made to burn more energy than it absorbs. This is the only way to plunder the fat reserves on the hips. Depending on your body weight, you should consume between 1,600 and 2,200 kilocalories per day through food. However, that is only half the battle. In order to successfully combat stubborn fat rolls on the hips, a combination of endurance training and muscle training is required. In addition to the increased basal metabolic rate, you should include sufficient amounts of unsaturated fatty acids in your diet.

The polyunsaturated fatty acids - such as omega-3 fats - are found in high concentrations in fish or nuts, the monounsaturated fatty acids - such as peanut butter or olive oil, should also be eaten regularly. In addition, carbohydrates – such as sugar and flour – should be largely reduced. Milk and dairy products, meat and cheese should also not be missing because these products provide the necessary proteins. Proteins are essential for building muscle and for a fast metabolism (2-2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight are ideal). Meals should be well distributed throughout the day; 5-6 smaller meals are better than 3 larger ones. You should also adhere to the following tips:

  • Drink plenty of water. The human body consists largely of water, so it is important to provide the body with enough of it. 2-3 liters of water daily should be the norm.
  • lots of vegetables. Vegetables are a valuable source of vitamins and fiber and are a good alternative to fruit, which unfortunately contains a lot of carbohydrates.
  • fewer whole grain products. Whole grain products are often high in carbohydrates, even if they are mostly long-chain carbohydrates. They cause an increase in blood sugar and therefore insulin levels in the body.

Fat Reduction Through Strength Training 

Regular strength and endurance training play a key role in the fight against love handles. Completing balanced fitness training two to three times a week is the best way to eliminate love handles. The afterburn effect is particularly important: after an intensive training session, the body burns increased energy for up to 40 hours afterwards! More muscle mass also automatically burns more calories.

High-intensity training sessions are particularly suitable for this - high-intensity interval training (HIIT), CrossFit or Tabata (intensive training sessions with short rest breaks). Jumping rope is also a good way to combat fat: After a warm-up phase, jump as fast as you can for 10 to 20 seconds, then jump again for about 30 seconds, but not as intensely.

The Best Exercises To Combat Love Handles

To lose fat deposits on the hips, the following exercises are particularly recommended:


With crunchies you primarily train the rectus abdominis muscle, namely its upper part. Depending on the execution (oblique crunches), other muscle groups (lateral abdominal muscles) are also targeted.

Exercise Execution:

You lie on your back on the mat and bend your legs. The soles of your feet should rest completely on the floor and the distance between your feet should be approximately hip-width apart. Place your hands at the sides of your head with your elbows aligned to either side. The head is a natural extension of the spine (so that the chin does not touch the chest). Now slowly and controlledly lift your chest off the floor and move towards your knees. The upper body is curved (crunch) and exhale. Then go back slowly and in a controlled manner, breathing in. Pay attention to the position of your head and arms - these remain unchanged during the exercise, only the upper body moves.

Target Muscles:

  • Rectus abdominal muscle – rectus abdominis muscle
  • Pyramidal muscle – M. pyramidalis


The oblique abdominal muscle (M. obliquus abdominis) does the supporting work.

The Possible Errors During The Exercise:

  • fold your hands behind your neck.
  • Gain momentum with your arms.
  • Oblique crunches for the side abdominal muscles.

The starting position is similar to a normal crunch. However, the arms are placed straight next to the body with the palms facing down. While you tense your stomach and lift your upper body, move your right hand to your left knee and vice versa. Hold your body tension for about two seconds and then lower your upper body again. The lower back should remain on the floor.

Lateral Hip Raises

The exercise trains the oblique abdominal muscles and thus also the hip region.

Exercise Execution:

Lying on the floor (on your side), you support yourself with the forearm of your lower arm on the floor. Stretch out your legs and feet and place them on top of each other; your entire body is in a straight line. The upper hand is on the back of the head, the head remains straight in line with the spine.

Now lift your hips off the floor and lower them back towards the floor. Just before your body hits the ground, pause and then lift your hips again. Hold the tension at the highest point for about a second. Complete as many repetitions as possible and then lie on the other side of the body - the opposite side of the abdominal muscles is trained.

Target Muscles:

Oblique abdominal muscle – M. obliquus abdominis

Supporting muscles:

  • Rectus abdominal muscle – rectus abdominis muscle
  • Pyramidal muscle – M. pyramidalis
  • Criss Cross (Beetle)
  • Very demanding in execution but also very effective.

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