Saturday 10 December 2022

9 Exercises To Do In The Morning In 9 Minutes To Get Fit

There is no need to start the day exhausted. On the contrary, taking 9 or 10 minutes to perform these exercises will help us to activate ourselves and face the day with good humor and energy.

It is a simple way to activate the metabolism, burn calories and encourage our body to face the day in the best way. We will do it with energy and we will avoid those tensions that sometimes build up in our muscles and make us feel slower or even more sore. We want to offer you something that will be of great help to you.They won't take you any longer. If you are regular, you will eventually see results within a month.

1. Lie  Down and Lift Weights

We are not going to lift 5 kg weights. But it's just about doing a simple resistance workout where we'll be exercising our arms. 

To do this, simply lie down on a mat. Breathe deeply for a few minutes then raise and lower your arms for 5 minutes while carrying small weights in your hands.

You can do this exercise twice a week, combining it with what we will detail below.

2. Skipping

It's easy and fun. If you don't have a neighbor below, motivate yourself, put on some music and jump for a few minutes at different intensities. You can start with jumps at a moderate pace and then increase the speed. Never reach your limits, it's just to activate us in the morning, but we must not reach fatigue.

3.“Superman” Flexions

 Under this original term hides one of the most frequent exercises in these morning routines to which our body must get used.

Here's how to do it

Lie on your stomach on a mat. Spread your legs. Then, arms along the body, raise the torso (as if you were a superhero who was about to fly, arms tight to the belt). You should feel the tension in your lower back.

4.“Superman” Flexions

Under this original term hides one of the most frequent exercises in these morning routines to which our body must get used.

 Here's how to do it:  

Lie on your stomach on a mat.

Spread your legs. Then, arms along the body, raise the torso (as if you were a superhero who was about to fly, arms tight to the belt).

You should feel the tension in your lower back.

4. Exercises to do in the morning with a chair 

Exercises to do in the morning in just 9 minutes. This is one of the simplest and most useful exercises. For this, you will need a sturdy chair with good supports that does not slip while you are doing the stretches.

5. Legs up

 More than an exercise to do in the morning, it is rather a relaxing position that promotes circulation in the legs. Which can help you a lot to start the day.

Just look for a comfortable and safe position facing a wall.

Raise your legs and lean them against the wall, keeping your arms straight on either side of your head.

This position can be very useful to you when you have finished an exercise. It will relax you, harmonize your breathing, blood flow and it will also oxygenate your brain. Do not hesitate to try it.

6. Invisible Bike Morning Exercises 

We are sure that you have already done this playful exercise in your childhood. It is very easy to do, just follow these steps: 

Lie on your back on the bed.

Raise your legs.

Put your hands under your hips and raise yourself up a little more.

Now simulate the pedal movement with your legs. Start at low intensity and then gradually increase the speed.

7. Hamstring Stretch

Sit on a mat.

Bend one leg, so that the foot touches the opposite thigh.

Tilt your body forward, trying to keep the lumbar area straight.

Reach for the tip of your foot with your outstretched hand.

Hold this position for 30 seconds, then relax and perform the same exercise with the other leg.

You can combine this exercise with others we have listed above.

8. Exercises To  Do  In  The  Morning With A  Hoop

Do you have a hula hoop at home? Otherwise you can find it in any sports store. It is inexpensive but it can help us perform many exercises.

•It will be a lot of fun to start your mornings off with this belt move by letting the hoop spin around that area of the body without it falling off.

Put on some music and try to keep the beat going for 5-6 minutes. Then you can do another exercise from this list.To conclude, choose the exercises that you prefer among these 9 there and combine them to achieve a routine of exercises to do in the morning that does not last more than 9 to 10 minutes.

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